At Just, we’re here to support people during their retirement journey. We look after people’s pension money and make their payments once they retire. The following information is for members who haven't begun receiving their pension payments yet (deferred members).
When you become a member of Just it means you’ve switched to a special type of insurance policy called an annuity. This policy provides a lifetime of financial security. It protects your pension savings from investment volatility and risks like inflation.
Until any decisions need to be made about your retirement, we’ll be behind the scenes looking after your pension savings. As the time gets closer, there are options for how to take your pension payments. What’s right for you will depend on your needs and aspirations in later life.
Getting help and support at this point is important. You need to feel confident and in control to achieve the retirement you want. We are here to help you achieve that.
Getting professional help
We offer financial advice to members considering their retirement options via financial adviser HUB Pension Consulting. This impartial service helps you choose the right option for you when deciding how to take your defined benefit pension. HUB Pension Consulting is part of Just Group.